Finland Au Pairs
General Information
Unfortunately we have found contradictory information concerning au pair regulations in Finland. Future host families can obtain further information at local authorities, au pairs have the possibility to enquire at the Finnish embassy.
Ya estamos trabajando para que la información sobre Finlandia esté muy pronto en español. Lamentamos los posibles inconvenientes causados.
Accepted countries: Finland accepts au pairs from all countries.
Age: An au pair may be between 17 and 30 years old.
Duration of stay: 12 months at the utmost
Purpose of the au pair stay: Au pairs are young people who go to Finland in order to learn the Finnish or Swedish language and get acquainted with the culture by living with a host family, by looking after the familys children and doing light household duties.
Personal Identity Number: Au pairs, who stay in Finland for longer than 6 months need a Finnish Personal Identity Number (henkilötunnus or sosiaaliturvatunnus, personbetecking). This can be applied for at the Local Registration Office (Maistraatti) .This number is necessary e.g. for the revenue board.
The Personal Identity Number is also used for identification for doctor visits, at banks etc. It consists of a birth date and a four digit identification number.
Contractual conditions
Au pair: