Premium subscription for families in Au Pair


With the Premium Subscription offered by Au Pair you will have unlimited access to the profile of Au Pair s who are registered with AuPair and who are currently looking for a family. There are three different options. Choose the one that is best suited to the needs of your family.

When you want to contact the Au Pairs, choose the Premium Subscription model that is most to your liking. Once you are Premium, you will be able to use all the Au Pair resources to find a family, the ideal Au Pair

Premium subscription 1 month 3 months 1 year
  • You can see the full name of the Au Pairs that are registered.
  • Contact the Au Pair s directly.
  • Send messages to any Au Pair that you like.
  • Sending requests is limited.
  • Use our messaging system without restrictions.
  • Compact
    $ 29.90 USD
  • Premium subscription for $ 29.90 USD per month
  • Plus
    $49.90 USD
  • Premium subscription for $ 49.90 USD per month
  • 365
    $99.90 USD
  • Premium subscription for $ 9.90 USD per month.

    All Premium Subscription options are a single payment. They end automatically once the time of the Subscription runs out.

    Premium Compact Premium Plus Premium 365
    This option is perfect for families who live in the areas most requested by Au Pair s, are usually large cities, and make decisions immediately. It is the best option for families that require more time when looking for an Au Pair . It is very useful for families who live in rural areas, who are not so requested by Au Pair s, and for families who do not have as much experience when looking for an Au Pair and require more time to find the ideal Au Pair . It is for families who want to search without limits for an Au Pair for a year. This option allows you to search for an Au Pair whenever you want. It is the perfect option for those families that require different Au Pair s over a year.

    The difference between searching for an Au Pair with a free profile and with a Premium one in Au Pair.

    As a family: What can I do in AuPair with a free profile?

    Once you register at no cost as a host family in AuPair, you create a profile in which you will establish your search criteria and in which Au Pair s can find you. You can also use the EasyFind, the search form of AuPair, to see the profiles of registered Au Pair s and choose according to your criteria. With our messaging system, you can send messages to Au Pair s and tell them your interest in them. However, as a host family, you will only have access to exchange personal messages or your contact information with a Premium Subscription.

    As a family: What can I do in AuPair with my profile if I am a Premium Member?

    With the Premium Subscription you can advance in communication with the Au Pair s that you found in the EasyFind. As a Premium Member, you can send personal messages to Au Pair s that you like most through our messaging system and give them your contact information. In this way, you can write personal messages to your Au Pair s of your liking and you can start to exchange the information you think is necessary so that they can know more and the Au Pair relationship has a better advance. With the Premium Subscription you will have access to send 120 requests to the Au Pair s in the first 24 hours and 240 in the first week of Premium Subscription. There is no relevant difference between the three Premium Subscription options in addition to the duration. Families that pay for a Premium 365 Subscription can have their profile sent to the Daily Update of the Au Pair s up to a maximum of twelve times.

    As a family or as an Au Pair : Can AuPair be used without Premium Subscription?

    Au Pairs can. They have access to AuPair for free and can also contact any family. If the family they are in contact with is Premium, they can respond to your messages. However, families must be a Premium Member to write personal messages with Au Pairs.

    Why are there different Premium Subscription options?

    Families have different needs and are organized differently. Some prefer to fix with a lot of time in advance. Others do everything at the last moment. Some families that live in areas that are very much in demand by Au Pair s, such as large cities, but there are others that have a smaller offer of Au Pair s that want to live in more remote regions. For a better management regarding the needs of each family and their way of arranging when looking for an Au Pair in Au Pair, we offer different options of Premium Subscription. With these options, families are more adaptable and have a higher value when they use AuPair services.


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