The payment


The payment


In return for the help offered to the family, the au pairs, in addition to free food and lodging, receive a payment. The amount of the payment varies according to the host country and the working hours. In some countries, there is legislation in effect in this respect, while in others it is common sense.

Remember! It is not necessary to consider the au pair stay as a job, but rather it is a cultural exchange. That is why, in most countries, au pairs do not have the status of an employee but are a member of the family. In the same way, for that reason they do not receive a salary but a pay. You will find more information in our au pair philosophy.

  • Germany
  • € 260 per month
  • Australia
  • 200 to 250 AUD per week
  • Austria
  • € 425.70 gross per month
  • Belgium
  • € 450 per month
  • Glen
  • 200 CAD a week
  • Denmark
  • 4000 DKK per month
  • Spain
  • € 70 a week, at least
  • EE.UU
  • $ 195.75 per week
  • Finland
  • € 280 net per month, at a minimum
  • France
  • € 265.5 to € 318.60 per month
  • Ireland
  • Minimum salary (you will find information about Ireland)
  • Iceland
  • 10,000 ISK a week
  • Italy
  • € 250-300 per month
  • Lexembourg
  • 480 to 500 € per month approximately
  • Norway
  • NOK 5000 per month
  • New Zealand
  • 150 to 180 NZD per week
  • Netherlands
  • 300 to € 340 per month, maximum
  • UK
  • 70 to 85 pounds sterling a week
  • South Africa
  • 1500 to 3000 ZAR per month
  • Sweden
  • 3500 SEK per month
  • Switzerland
  • 500 to 750 SFR net per month according to canton

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