Change Au Pair or Family


Change of au pair or family


You can change families once the au pair has finished his stay and wants to start working with another.

The majority of au pairs who want to change their family is because they want to stay longer in their country of residence, but their stay has ended. On the other hand, also the au pair can change family for some displeasure, either misunderstandings or that the au pair is not treated as a member of the family, but rather as an employee.

If the au pair or family wants to finish the stay sooner, they should inform the other one in advance. It is necessary to respect the notice period that is in the contract, this period is two weeks.

Usually, when a change is requested, the family helps the au pair to look for another family and vice versa. In case the au pair has required to process your visa, you must go to the immigration office of your city accompanied by your host family. This must be done to make sure that the au pair can stay legally longer in the country.

It is recommended that the au pair and the family have a lot of communication in order to avoid misunderstandings or any other problem.


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