



Au pairs have right to holidays. However, there is no official program that normalizes them. But from our experience we know about some countries that have this regulation, so AuPairClick recommends some vacation days.

In the twelve-month au pair stay, au pairs are entitled to paid vacations for four weeks. If, in the case that the stay is shorter, the family must respect this rule of duration of the stay proportionally. So the au pair is entitled to two days of vacation per month. But if the stay is 4 months, then the au pair is entitled to one week.

If the host family wants or is planning to go on vacation during the au pair stay, they should talk to the au pair about whether they will be accompanied by the au pair or who will be on their side. This means that if the au pair has to take care of the children during the family holidays, they are not considered vacations for the au pair, they are still working hours. Family holidays are considered au pair holidays if the au pair only performs small tasks and does not take care of the children. It is important for the family to know that the au pair must continue to receive pay even during the holidays.

If the au pair stays with the children in the home of the host family during their holidays, the family has to leave enough money for domestic expenses and food.


In some countries such as Germany, Denmark, New Zealand or Switzerland, there is a rule on holidays during the au pair stay.

In the other countries there is no official standard on holidays. Anyway, at AuPairClick we recommend that families give au pairs free holidays. They should only work on some exceptions. In case the au pair has to work the family should give him another free day to compensate him, for this it is recommended that the family and the au pair speak it in advance of the au pair stay.


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